Pat Finnerty Memorial 5k League 2024 – Round 1 (8th May)
We couldn’t have asked for a better evening on Wednesday 8th May for Round 1 of the Pat Finnerty Memorial 5k League in Belvedere with sunny, warm and calm conditions enjoyed by the runners, officials and spectators alike. Strong pre-race online entries were boosted significantly with new registrations on the night, and no doubt many were attracted by the lovely evening, ideal for a 5k through the beautiful woodland trails in Belvedere. Entries were well up on the corresponding opening round last year and the runners were taken on some familiar paths but also some new interesting paths through the woods showing Belvedere off at its very best.
The event was well supported by our own members and it was great to welcome many newcomers, and of course to welcome back many familiar faces. We know from experience that numbers will grow in the coming two weeks. Thanks to the chip timing system the results were posted shortly after the race on the My Run Results website. We know not everyone can enter for the full series, but if you can only run one or two nights, online entries are open again and of course we’ll also accept individual entries on any night. All proceeds will go to Tanzanian Heavenly Homes, a Mullingar-based non-profit organisation founded by John McCauley, so we’re asking everyone to sign up and support this very worthy cause. We’ll also take donations on the night for anyone that wants to give more.
Just after 8pm, the race got underway and it wasn’t long before a small breakaway group forged ahead, led by James Keegan (Mullingar Harriers) with plenty of Mullingar club mates for company. Between 3k and 4k, James began to pull clear of John Whitelaw (Mullingar Harriers) who continued to chase him but over the final 800m the gap ultimately proved impossible to close. James finished in 16 minutes 18 seconds, ahead of John Whitelaw (16:37) and Dan Morris (16:53). First woman to finish was Fiona Gettings (Longford AC) in 17 minutes 53 seconds, and in a terrific battle behind, Sinead Whitelaw (Mullingar Harriers) held a slender lead in the closing stages to finish in 18:32, just ahead of Emily Grennan (Tullamore Harriers AC) in 18:35. First three men and women aside, there was great competition right through the field in the various master categories too. Full results of the race are available on With the best two of three races to count, there’s still time to enter the league, either online or on the night in the Courtyard Café.
Round 2 on 15th May should see another good entry and we’re appealing for participants to come early, especially those who will be registering for the first time and those looking to run just the single race. Many thanks to everyone who gave up their free time and helped out on the first night taking entries, organizing car parking, helping as stewards on the course etc, and we appeal to everyone who can spare a couple of hours to help out again this week. Thanks also to the staff of Belvedere House and of course to Westmeath Civil Defence for their invaluable input providing first aid and ambulance cover.
Finally, it’s really important to remember to bring your number with the timing chip for Round 2 or your place and time will not be recorded [GD].